
Saints row 2 hd texture mod
Saints row 2 hd texture mod

saints row 2 hd texture mod

Now go back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third\Gentlemen_of_Steelport_v1.0_Beta_3 and run Create_Custom_GoS_v1 You will then goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third\packfiles\pc\cache and cut and paste to the backup (packfile cache backup) folder these two files: patch_compressed.vpp_pc and patch_uncompressed.vpp_pc so you can undo this mod if you need too by copying and pasting these two files back in the cache folder. Now Go back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third\Gentlemen_of_Steelport_v1.0_Beta_3 and make a folder in it called packfile cache backup. You do not need to run it now unless you have installed any previous mods. EXE is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third) This will clean up other mods you install. Open the folder now cut and paste Remove_all_SRTT_mods_(MOVE_ME_TO_SRTT_INSTALL_FOLDER) to the Saints Row The Third folder. Under Steam Apps/Common (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third).

saints row 2 hd texture mod

Just throw it in your Saints Row The Third folder. For a good set of general enhancement mods that are also co-op friendly look at Gentlemen of Steelport: If you want to turn up extra visual settings get this: more info here: Throw it in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the thirdĢ. Found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\14771558\55230\remote Just throw everything in the folder to another one named something like save backup. Before we get into this make a backup of your latest saved game. I do this for every game I Mod so I remember what the hell I did and how to undo it. If you’re into stuff like this in your game, check out this mod.Use something like notepad to keep notes on the mods you're doing. It basically changes the way women’s bras look in the game. Yep, you guessed what this mod is all about. Let’s put it this way: I think there’s a little something here for everyone. I know many people look for mods exactly because of large additions so there’s a decent variety here. Most of these mods directly affect gameplay too. If you’re keen to play SR: The Third once more, or if you’ve never tried it out and you’re looking to have some fun, this list of mods is going to help you kick things off big. In any case, there are some fantastic mods for SR3 that are sure to improve the in-game experience by a bunch. Like the nudity mods that one always has to expect for these games. I never got to try it out on PC until now, and I must say that I’m pleasantly surprised with most mods and not surprised at all with others.

saints row 2 hd texture mod

Saints Row: The Third was the last SR title that I truly got to play for a long time.Īnd it still brings back some fantastic memories of the good old days that I spent in my old room playing on my PS3.

Saints row 2 hd texture mod